5 Ways to Improve Your Push Notifications

The world is going digital- even more so with the pandemic. As we stayed in our homes, the online world became our new reality. Businesses started to follow the trend; millions of small businesses are popping up online and more businesses move to strengthen their digital presence. To engage with the right audience, you need to reach them where they are: online. One of the most effective ways to reach your audience online is by push notifications. Small, punchy messages sent to users out of session that brings them back to your website/app. With OtherLevels’ easy to use Intelligent Messaging Platform, our clients have been able to carefully create dynamic messages which found an open rate of up to 15%. Here’s 5 things we recommend to improve your push notifications.


One way to improve your push notifications is to understand the device it is being displayed on. Although most phones have the same functionality and very similar build, their notification displays differ hugely, even across the same device. By considering a user’s device when crafting your messages, you can make sure your message is being perceived as intended. Sending messages on iPhones will look different from messages sent out to Androids. Below OtherLevels Intelligent Messaging Platform breaks down the character limits on common devices! Although across most devices, 40-50 characters is the most effective; to the point and easy to ingest. Providing just enough information to encourage the user to click! 


Keep messages relevant to the user. Although sending generic messages to your whole audience can make your messaging easier, they can come across as disingenuous to users. By leveraging user data and preferences, you can segment audiences into groups based on their interests and demographic. Through catering to the needs of each group specifically, users are able to find more value in the message and be more apt to engage with it. OtherLevels Intelligent Messaging Platform provides the unique opportunity to segment and target even unknown and unregistered users, allowing you to target a larger audience.  With our ability to  utilize user actions and their information, you are able to seamlessly automate your push messages, improving user experience in a way that is complementary to their online journey instead of interruptive. 


In the end, the main function of any messaging or advertisement is to push a user to perform an action. A click, a purchase, a read through. Although your message may be amazing and pushed out at the right time, if your users don’t understand what to do with said message, you will find low engagement. Ending your push message with a clear call to action increases the click-through rate by up to 132%.


How often do you message your users? Too much and they will become overwhelmed. Too few and you are forgettable. Messaging users about 2-4 a week improves overall push message engagement. You stay close to mind without bombarding users. The time of day when you send out the messages is crucial to improve your push messages. You don’t want to send messages when users are sleeping or are known not to be online. Push notifications are best sent out just before regular high traffic times; engaging users when they are already online. 


Users receive tens of notifications a day, make sure yours stands out from the rest. Utilize rich content to catch the attention of your users as they go about their online journey. With OtherLevels’ ability to use emojis, deep links and pictures and videos, you are able to create an eye-catching full rounded message. Deep Linking back to dynamic  content on your website or app increases session length over all; allows users to find more value within your notification and your website/app.

Staying relevant in the digital age is hard with millions of notifications being sent out to users. By sticking to the basics and catering to the needs of your audience, you can easily improve your push notifications. With the help of OtherLevels Intelligent Messaging Platform, you can provide your users with valuable push notifications that will encourage conversions and better engagement. 

To have a more in depth look as to why OtherLevels is an industry leader in push notifications, click here!