Push notifications are ubiquitous in the smartphone-era; they’re enabled by more than 70% of mobile users, and they’re among the most popular ways for operators and developers to connect with their audience.
While some users will inevitably opt out of push notifications, it’s important to remember that most will keep them enabled.
There are two fundamental types of push notifications: desktop and mobile.
Mobile push notifications are, as the name suggests, deployed exclusively on mobile devices, dropping down from the top menu bar to deliver information.
Desktop push notifications are exclusive to actual desktop/laptop computers, often delivering the information in a time-limited text box from the top right-hand corner.
Maximizing your ROI on push notifications is simple. Keep your notification copy short and simple, with a headline that is straight to the point; a strong call-to-action is essential.
Second, take the opportunity to A/B test your notifications so you can figure out what works and what doesn’t and further segment sending for maximum effect.
Third, keep it time sensitive. Save push notifications for information that is meant to induce an immediate action and leave the latent info for email sends.
Ready to get started? The OtherLevels team can help!