VIDEO: OtherLevels CEO Brendan O’Kane on Creating Customised Player Experiences

VIDEO: OtherLevels CEO Brendan O’Kane on Creating Customised Player Experiences

Earlier this year, we celebrated the launch of Kambi Engage, a joint venture between Kambi, OtherLevels, VAIX, and through which Kambi partners can discover and access an additional range of top-tier bettor engagement tools and services.

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Reach Further with Rich Inbox Messaging

Reach Further with Rich Inbox Messaging

Keep your audience connected with compelling, creative Rich Inbox Messaging (RIM). RIM is a critical facet of any well-rounded messaging strategy. A Rich Inbox is like an email inbox – highly customizable via HTML and CSS – but only exists on your website and does not require opt-in or registration completion. With no opt-in or registration required, RIM is a great way to reach everyone on your site.

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